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Category: Intro (Page 3 of 5)

Time Capsule

Dear Future Me,

I hope you are getting good grades and happy with everything that is going on around you. I hope you are asking for help when you need it and not being ashamed of what others will think. I hope you have your job schedule and school schedule all set where you can focus and not worrying about it. I hope you make some friends where you all support each other. Okay enough with all the “I hope”. Just remember to never look back at the negative parts in your life and always look ahead. Always keep your head up and just know were only going to the top. Just make sure to maintain your excellent grades and if for some reason you don’t have excellent grades just know that your slacking and you need to work harder. Always remember that someone out there is working harder than you.8 Ways to Find Inspiration When You Need It Most | Psychology TodayNOTHING CAN STOP ME IM ALL THE WAY UP - Keep Calm and Posters Generator,  Maker For Free - KeepCalmAndPosters.com

Time capsule assignment

Dear future self, congratulations on making it to the end of your first college semester. which by my initial impression as of writing this letter is not easy by any means. i have multiple assignments due in architecture class as well as math homework i have yet to complete. great job on making it thru all of this which i can only assume is going to get harder being the semester just started and i am already receiving 8 hours worth of homework. are you still going to pursue a degree in architecture? Did you improve in math? Are you better at writing? go enjoy the winter with some skiing i hope you get ample  opportunity to use your season pass.                              

Time Capsule

College will be probably the most interesting part of my early adult life. although I can already tell that its going to be a lot of work im optimistic about the results.  The future is of course uncertain due to the global pandemic making it hard to have hope. However I wont let this ruin college for me or anyone around me.

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