A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Category: Announcements (Page 2 of 21)

Week 16: Dec 7-9

Dec 9th:           Last Day of Class

Dec 10th:        Reading Day

Dec 14- 20:   Exams:  Unit 4 Due on Monday, December 14th

Dec 28:           Grades Posted


It’s the last week of the course (yay), and because there are a some of students who still have missing assignments from Weeks 11-15, I have decided to give only one assignment this week.  I will not be accepting any assignments for Weeks 11-15 after the last day of class, which is Wednesday, December 9th.

Don’t forget, the Unit 4 assignment is due during Exams Week, and the Final Reflection (1,000‑words minimally) is the official final exam for the course.  The Final Portfolio and Reflection is due on December 14th.  You should submit your work as a Word document (I prefer Word) or Google Doc to lcole@citytech.cuny.edu.  If you submit your work as a Google Doc, please include the link in your email.  Also, please title your work separately – one “The Final Portfolio” and the other “The Final Reflection”.  There should be two separate documents in one mail.


LAST (fun) ASSIGNMENT:  Due Wednesday, December 9th 

WRITE: It’s time to say “Good-bye”, so I want you to contribute something to the course “graffiti wall” by leaving something for future students, like “advice for future students” or “my favorite sentence I read or wrote.” It’s your final comment on what you’re taking away from the class, and it can be light-hearted or serious. And you don’t just have to “write” something. You can also post an image or a drawing, or even leave a sound file. Please post it under “Discussions/Portfolio & Reflection”.


Week 15: Nov 30- Dec 4 / PART 2

Begin UNIT 4 — Final Portfolio & Reflection

Goals for the second part of the week:

  1. Post Draft of Final Reflection
  2. Quick Peer Review of the draft of the Final Reflection


Due Saturday, December 5th by 11:59 p.m.

WRITE: Post a draft of your Final Reflection so you can do the READ part of today’s assignment. As a reminder, the Final Reflection is considered the final exam for the course, and that is due on December 14th.

READ (and comment): Peer Review on Final Reflections. This can be a fairly informal conversation. Talk to each other like writers.

  • Authors: Ask 2-3 questions that you think will help you do better on this final reflection. Be specific!  Not just “is it good?” but ask specifics about what you have written.
  • Readers: Answer kindly and productively. Help your colleague write a compelling reflection!

WRITE: Keep working on those portfolios.

NOTE: On Monday, December 7th at 6 p.m., there will be a Zoom meeting regarding the Final Portfolio & Reflection assignment that is due on December 14th:  I highly advise that if you have any questions or concerns about this Unit 4 assignment or anything else, you should make every effort to attend this meeting.

Week 15: Nov 30- Dec 4

Begin UNIT 4 — Final Portfolio & Reflection

Goal for the first part of the week:  Complete Time Capsule activity to prepare for the Final Reflection


Due Wednesday, December 2nd

READ (OR WATCH/ LOOK AT/ LISTEN TO): Your Time Capsule from Week Two.

 WRITE: Write a little note to your beginning-of-the semester self.  What have you learned this semester? Did you achieve your goals? Did you achieve different goals?  What surprises have you encountered along the way? Were your goals too small/ too big/ right on the money? (You certainly don’t have to answer all of these questions, by the way– these are just ideas to get you started.)  Please title this assignment “Time Capsule” and put it in “Discussions / Portfolio and Reflection.”

BEGIN WRITING BUT DON’T POST:  Hopefully the note above will be a good starting point for you to help you think about your Final Reflection and what you have learned this semester. So, start working on a “Sh&^&y First Draft of that.


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