K. .Some people don’t want to take the vaccine because they don’t know if its safe .
. School is mandatory to take the vaccine to make sure the child has not sick or healthy.
. 50 percent the vaccine doesn’t work on people weakens the immune system.
.when babies are born they have to take the vaccine .
.sometime parents don’t want there kids to take the vaccine. nut it will help them to prevent any diseases
w- . I want to learn how come? when we take the vaccine it doesn’t work or sometime the person / child gets sick if we are taking the vaccine it should help us to treat us better.
. Why do parent refuse their kids to take vaccines? it will help them to get better and not prevent any diseases .
.This can happen all too easily when kids don’t receive life-saving vaccines, and it is why we need to push much harder to increase immunization coverage.”increased by only 1% globally since 2010) for all vaccine-preventable diseases, not just for measles.”
.85% worldwide coverage for measles is much better than 30% or 50%, but it is still well below the 95% required to ensure population-wide protection.Vaccinations prevent between two and three million childhood deaths a year and could prevent up to two million more.
. there are different vaccine to help us to not course any of these . such as Hepatitis A. ,Flu (shot only),Polio (shot only),Rabies.
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