some of my pet peeves about reading online the assignments it can be broken down in two main, categories i would like it the cover to be organized the assignment to be less and the due of the date to be late. because submitting on the due date is bit hard because some of our other classes we also have to submit that too. Sometimes the question gets me confused because there allot of information on the open lab , Sometimes i have to redo the assignment because i read it wrong. Its not only me that is faceing the problem is others to because we have no help and trying to figure the assignment.
Author: Mashfia (Page 2 of 6)
What i know about vaccines has small amount of a weakened or killed virus or bacteria. School is mandatory to take the vaccine to make sure the child has not sick or healthy its recommend that children receive a series of vaccinations early in childhood, as infants and toddlers are especially vulnerable to infectious diseases . vaccine help other countries to the time developing countries have access the vaccine is available everywhere because we won’t beat this disease fully until we beat it everywhere. So we need to ensure any vaccines that are shown to be effective reach people at risk wherever they are. I feel its important to know because these vaccines can cure people and also help me i want to know more information and how to put a vaccine to other people because i want to be a nurse some day.
What i wanted to know I want to learn how come? when we take the vaccine it doesn’t work or sometime the person / child gets sick if we are taking the vaccine it should help us to treat us better. Does all vaccines work on different people?
what i learned is 50 percent the vaccine doesn’t work on people weakens the immune system. the Vaccine Alliance and the UN to procure the vaccine for at risk countries we need to ensure any vaccines that are shown to be effective reach people at risk wherever they are, regardless of nationality or income. The Governments may allow experimental vaccines to be given to high risk patients before they are approved for widespread use. Delivering medication and vaccines at this speed and scale has never been done before. And we need to ensure not just speed and safety, but also equity.
This article is about or explains prepares readers to actively engage with what they are reading in order to improve their writing. He describes his process by breaking it down into five main methods coming to terms, forwarding, countering, taking an approach, and revising. i feel this help us to become good writers. according to the article it states”Quoting someone else’s words gives a tremendous amount of credibility to your summary and helps ensure that it is fair and accurate”. This will help on the intro or supporting our claim or helps ensure that it is fair and accurate.
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