A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Leon Sukhdeo (Page 5 of 8)


Topic: Are electric/self-driving cars taking over the car industry? 

Know:  What I know about electric cars is that they are becoming really popular. They’re also reliable and don’t require gas for fun. In my opinion, I think electric/self-driving cars will become the future for the car industry. I also know that they can be expensive. Since they don’t run on gas they have a really big battery and the car comes with a special charger to charge the battery. In addition, if you want to go on a really long road trip there’s a lot of charging stations so your car won’t die in the middle of the road.

Want: What I want to know about electric/self-driving is how much is the profit they make on each car. I also what to know how much they have helped the environment. Another thing I want to know is in the future (50 years) will cars that run on gas still be around since the car industry is taking a huge turn. In addition, I want to know do families trust their lives with self-driving cars driving on their own. I’m also curious if a person gets into an accident whiles their car is driving on its own, will they go back to a self-driving car after the accident?

Learned: With my little research I learned a few things. Electric vehicle sales are growing rapidly. Over 200,000 electric vehicles were sold in the United States in 2017, compared to only 18,000 in 2011. Gasoline vehicles are responsible for $37 Billion in health and climate costs each year.  However, if electric vehicles represent 65% of all vehicles in only 10 states by 2050, those costs would drop by $21 Billion. I also learned that electric vehicles are much easier to maintain since there really isn’t a lot of things that could go wrong as a gasoline vehicle can have lots of problems involving the engine, transmission, etc.

Still want to know: Some things I still want to know are how long will the electric vehicle industry be successful for. What happens if the entire world has no electricity and all gasoline vehicle are gone. Will people who just got their license for example 18-year-olds take advantage of a self-driving car?



Research Starts with a Thesis

As a kid growing up I was interested in many things. I was very curious to try new things and I enjoyed learning new things. At one point I wanted to be an astronaut so I did my research on everything I could know. Then I wanted to become a pilot so I started playing all flying games and watching people flying planes on youtube. As I grew older I realized I didn’t have an interest in any of the things I wanted to be. I always said that I wanted to be a lot of things because growing up I will always hear people say you have to be successful in life and that starts with your career. So by saying I wanted to become a pilot or astronaut it was just a filler so people won’t have to say anything. What I was actually interested in and still is, is engineering. Ever since I was a little kid I liked putting things together. Whenever we got new furniture or anything that needs to be put together, I was always there to help. I enjoyed it. To me, it’s a stress reliever and calms me down. In addition to engineering being my interests as a kid will be cars. Growing up I wanted to know everything about cars. I wanted to know how they run, how to drive, and how to do “cool” things I see in movies. The same week when I turned 16 I went take my permit test, passed, and was excited to drive. Driving for me is just like engineering. it calms me down and you don’t need other people to tell you to want to do. If someone was to ask me if my interest changed growing up I would say yes and no. I will say yes but only because I wasn’t sure what I was interested in during my childhood day. And I would say no because I loved putting things together since I was young but I just didn’t know that was what I was interested in. I would say the educational system played a positive role in my interest. For example math. Math is a huge part of engineering and by past teachers made math fun for me and I enjoy doing math. In addition, during my high school years, I had engineering classes and I enjoyed that class and based on my research and classes I’m 100% sure that I will be in the engineering field soon.

“A Talk To Teachers” By: James Baldwin

In the excerpt, “A Talk To Teachers”  when James Baldwin talks about American History he’s referring to how scuffed out books are. It’s all whitewashed and they hide things to preach white supremacy to students without knowing. So much more has happened that they don’t cover in the books just like how in the real world, it’s so much bigger than what we see. I believe the purpose of this excerpt is to inform the reader of the system in America which is to work against people of color to create a system of equality. Baldwin talks about an African American living in the ghetto neighborhood in which he is forced to live, in contract to the friendlier environment to where he can’t even get to. As this child gets older and becomes capable of better understanding he’s going to start question why the better things in life aren’t for him. As this child gets even older and starts to develop awareness, anger will start to grow within him, turning into rage and hate because there’s no other way to express his emotions. This child now understands why his mother is working so hard, why his after is always on the edge.  Throughout the excerpt, Baldwin argues that the white man is taught from childhood that their ancestors were heroic individuals who came to America and the African American people were slaves for the white people and I agree with him. Throughout my years of learning history, I would always hear the blacks were slaves for the white people. The white people had all the money and all the land. I can’t remember a time where my teacher ever said a black man had power. The only person I know was Martin Luther King and he was someone I learned about outside of school. Something I wished I was taught in school was race and gender equalities. I never learned in school about race and gender equalities. I wanted to learn about this topic because it’s something I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on. I had to learn about them on my own and I also had a group of friends to talk about it too. It’s just sad to think that students aren’t being taught about race and gender equalities in school. Now in 2020 race and gender equality is mainly what’s going on. We have different communities coming out protesting for equality and I believe that the future generation will learn about these protests and have an understanding of equality and that no matter what color and gender you are, we should all be treated the same.

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