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Author: Leon Sukhdeo (Page 4 of 8)

Source Entry #2 & #3

Source #2: In 2016 Elon Musk talks to a BBC Technology Correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones at Tesla’s Design Studio. In this interview, Elon talks about the future for electric vehicles and the importance of electric vehicles. 

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0871VJfvD1c

In this interview, Rory is asking Elon Musk the chairman and CEO of tesla questions about his company which is based on electric vehicles. Right in the beginning, Rory asks Elon, “What’s your vision here what are you trying to do with the car industry.” His answer was, “Try to get the car industry to move forward electrification faster than they would.” His answer simply shows that he believes the car industry will become electric and is trying to make the process faster. He was then asked why electric cars and why is it important. His answer as many of you would say is because the electric cars don’t produce co2 or nitro oxide or any other kind of noxious gases as a car with an engine will produce those kinds of gases. Within a minute of the interview, he’s already comparing an engine car to an electric car and shows how much better an electric car is for the environment The question after that was, “Do you think everyone will have an electric vehicle in 10 years from now.” Keep in mind this interview was filmed in 2016. Elon’s believes that all transport will be electric. Now moving onto the prices for these electric cars. At the time of the interview, the electric cars was really expensive and was basically created for the rich. Now that Elon has grabbed everyone’s attention he started to make cheaper electric cars because he knows not everyone is going to be able to afford a $100,000 and his goal is to have everyone driving a tesla. As of right now, the cheapest tesla goes for around $30,000 which is affordable because it’s a new car and very efficient. Overall I think Elon killed this interview and answer every question perfectly. If your reading this and still not sure if electric cars will become the future I recommend you to watch the full interview.

Source #3: Electric Cars VS. Gas Cars: Everything You Need to Know

Link: https://www.caranddriver.com/research/a32781943/electric-cars-vs-gas-cars/

My third source is the research page. They put together a lot of research-based on electric cars and gas cars and are comparing both of them.  They start off by comparing prices. In their research, they say, “While the price of gas varies over time and location, the national average for a gallon of gas was $2.81 in June 2019. If a standard ICE car holds about 14 gallons on average, that means it costs just under $40 to fill up the average tank. In comparison, the national average cost of one kilowatt of electricity is $0.14 per hour. The standard EV takes about 7.2 kWh/hour to reach a full charge of about 50 kWh. That means the average cost of a full EV charge is $6.86.” This is huge. The price to just fill up an average tank is just under $40 and the price to have a full charge is $6.85. In addition to fuel, gas cars tend to have more maintenance problems than electric cars. Which also adds to the bill on having a gas car. They then move on to “Quick Vs.Fast.” According to their research electric vehicles are able to go quicker than a gas car but cannot go faster as of now. If there was a race between a gas car and an electric car for a long-distance drive it would be debatable on who will win. I say this because once the electric car needs to charge it can take 30 minutes for it to have a full charge and for a gas car it only takes about 3 minutes to fill up a tank which can give the gas car an advantage. I think later on in the future the charge will be faster and there will be a lot of improvements in the electric car industry. They’re just getting started…


Source Entry Draft

By 2040, more than half of the new cars will be electric.  By: Peter Valdes-Dapena CNN Business  https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/15/business/electric-car-outlook-bloomberg/index.html

In this news article, Peter is saying that electric vehicle has increased rapidly and by 2040 electric cars could make up 57% of all passenger car sales worldwide.  In addition, he says, “Over the next two decades, worldwide electric vehicle sales will rise from 2 million last year to 56 million by 2040.” I agree with Peter. I also believe that electric cars will increase even higher just because of how advanced they are and people will start to go for electric cars since a lot of people are driving them and they just want to fit in. I also think once there’s an electric car that comes out in the range for $15,000 then the electric vehicle sales will increase tremendously. Another thing that Peter said that stood out to me was, “China will continue to lead in sales of electric cars, but China’s share of the market will fall as more are sold in other countries. China is expected to account for 48% of all-electric cars sold in 2025, but only 26% in 2040. Meanwhile, Europe will pull ahead of the US in the electric car market share during the 2020s.” I have mixed feelings about this. I believe the state or country that comes out with the most advanced and affordable will have a higher share in the market. For example, Mercedes Benz and Tesla. Mercedes Benz has an electric car and it’s called Mercedes-Benz B-Class. Now Tesla has multiple electric cars and Tesla is doing better in sales than Mercedez Benz electric cars just because a lot of people know about Tesla and knows how advanced they are. I’m sure a lot of people don’t know that Mercedez or Honda have electric cars. Moving on, Peter also says, “Electric cars cost less to own and drive because electricity is much cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel. They also require less maintenance because they have far fewer moving parts.” I also agree with him on this. The fewer parts you have the fewer problems you will have with your vehicle. I also agree that being electric is much cheaper than gasoline because charging a tesla for example costs about $11 which is about 150 miles and to fill a car with gasoline it cost about $17 for 150 miles according to a cost to drive calculator. You might think it’s only a couple of dollars but it’s not. Using gasoline can also harm the environment and the government spends billions of dollars on the environment.


Research Question

My research question is, “Are electric cars taking over the car industry.” I’m interested in doing research on this because I have a love for cars. Ever since I was really small I wanted to know everything about cars. For instincts, if I see a random car driving on the road I want to be able to know the exact make and model. Now that the car industry is changing and becoming more futuristic everything is getting more complicated and there’s a lot to learn. The electric car industry is completely different from gas cars and I want to know how are they both still running the same. Which car has more parts? Which car has the most expensive maintenance? What will the future be for the car industry?

In my research, I expect to have all the answers to my questions. I expect to have a good understanding of electric cars and if it will be better for us to drive electric cars than gas cars. I want to find all the disadvantages and advantages of driving an electric car. I want to find out what other car business owners think about electric cars.

If I find information that goes against what I’m trying to research such as, “Gas cars will always be ahead of electric cars” I would still write about it. The whole point of me doing this research is to learn more about electric cars because I have no clue about them besides that they’re electric. If I find information about gas cars being more successful in the future than electric cars I will write about gas cars because there’s still a lot of things I don’t know about the motor vehicles. There’s also a lot of other people that know about cars so if my research helps other people have a good understanding of cars then that’s a success for me.

Genres that I think might give me good information will be documentary. I’ve seen a show on Netflix comparing electric cars and gas cars and I think it could be helpful when doing my research. In addition, I think news sources can help because every day there’s something in the news about cars. It sometimes is a good thing and sometimes it’s a bad thing. So I will be going back in time and check the news sources and see all the positive and negative on electric cars every since they came out.

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