A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Karina Budhu (Page 2 of 10)

Time Capsule

Dear my beginning of the semester self,

Within this semester I have grown as a person and have learned many things education wise. For example, I have been able to develop a new level of patience and understanding that I previously didn’t have in the beginning of the semester. Within all of the hardships I have had to endure within this semester, it proved difficult of me to achieve the goal I once set to a 4.0 GPA, however I    have still been trying to work my hardest to get a somewhat high GPA. Additionally, due to the pandemic I have unfortunately not been able to add on to the goal of increasing my resume. However, I still plan on doing so in the future. To add on, my goals of traveling have also come to a cease due to the pandemic. Within the next year, I still hope to travel and grow as a person. I have also learned not to dwell on the past as much and work on becoming a more mature person. I am overall happy with the improvements I have made a person and still hope to grow.

Rough Draft of Artist Statement

Since I was a child to the point of where I am today, anime has helped me through some rough times and has always been a comfort me to watch and indulge in. Similar to thousands of people around the world, anime has been a large part of our lives into making us who we are today. Anime has been going on for decades, and is not stopping anytime soon. The anime community is continuing to grow, as well as more and more mangas and anime are created daily building a larger fan base for their support. Anime has a very large following as well as community that has been built up and created for years since the beginning of the first mangas and anime. This is due to the hard work and time that may go into drawing as well as illustrating mangas. Following this, it is the hard work and time that goes into producing and creating an anime. The hard and long constant hours that these creators may put into their work, unfortunately very well goes unnoticed by those anime and manga fans. This lead me to wonder about the work and time that does go into creating mangas and anime. Personally, the anime community knows it is hard work in creating an anime. However, we may not specifically know about the development of character or graphics and animation that goes into the creation. Including specific and popular animes, as well as the research behind the creation I believe may shock many in the anime community and can change some peoples perspectives when it comes to anime. In my piece of work, I have decided to share a slideshow with my audience. Due to the fact that my audience consists of manga readers and anime watchers, this means that visuals and graphics attract them. I believe in using these same idea of colors, also visuals can pose as captivating and interesting to the reader. In my slideshow it would consist of the many production studios as well as the process in which it takes to create an anime as well as the process behind creating a manga. I would include important statistics as well as a visual representation of specific anime and mangas. I hope to specifically include certain and famous mangas and anime so that people would be able to read it and personally identify and have a deeper appreciation and understanding because it has been an anime that they are familiar with. I would like to include images of these different mangas and animes as well as including statistics and data to support the time and hard work that is put into creating these specific pieces of work. To reflect on this project thus far, I    feel that in researching and creating this project has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding than I previous had for anime and manga because I am now aware of the time and hard work that has been put into anime since the beginning of the first animes.

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