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Author: Hamood Almashraqi (Page 6 of 10)

Introducing my research question

Growing up video games have always been a big part of who I am. when I was in elementary school I had a PSP and I used to play ratchet and clank, burnout, ape escape, metal gear solid, etc. These games were all super fun to me and I enjoyed them because all my my friends around me also enjoyed them and played them. At lunch we would talk about where we were up to and help each other with tips and advice on how to get to the next levels. Middle school I started to play Minecraft which was a huge part of my childhood. Minecraft was a great game and everyone knows and has played it at least once. High school I started to branch off into other games and took on Call of duty as my game of choice. This game opened up a new opportunity for me to compete and try to be the best. It also helped me with my anxiety and other stuff. Overall throughout my life gaming has been a way for me to escape everything and just connect with my friends and prove myself that I was a great player.  My parents however don’t see it as a good thing. They disapprove of the games that bring me joy. They often try to push me away from gaming when they don’t understand the true reason why I enjoy playing. I feel as if there’s more kids that get misunderstood like I am and I want to research if there’s actually anything wrong / bad with gaming. I also want to figure out all the benefits to gaming because realistically gaming takes a LOT of skill especially when you play up against other real people out there who all have the same goal as you do, to win and be the best. I expect to find a lot of articles talking about the negatives of gaming because all old adults don’t believe in it. They think it’s a waste of time and don’t believe there’s any real benefits. If all the information goes against what I’m advocating for I will not scrap my idea or switch up. I will use my own research through my friends and my own experience and write about that as well, especially since we all first hand experienced it. I believe nonfiction articles about the topic I’m researching would give me great information.


Topic- How does gaming effect a person, is it negative or positive?

know- I know video games are all hated upon by parents, teachers, adults in general hate video games and believe video games negatively impact us kids/teens and our health because all we do is sit and stare at a screen. what they don’t know is gaming takes a lot of skill and not just everyone can game. Theres the casual players, and then there’s the super competitive players. The casual players play for fun and to enjoy themselves with friends or alone.  The competitive players (which is how I describe myself) always want to win and be better and do better. Gaming takes a lot of mental skill in order to out smart or out play the opponents who are all real people, just like me, playing against each other to see who’s on top. Ive also made a lot of friends through gaming and have teamed with them through the years.

want to learn- I want to learn how “negatively” does gaming actually effect you because I believe its much less than how my parents claim it to be. also how does it effect you physically over time because I know sitting hunched over isn’t the best thing to do for hours. How long should you play? should you be exorsizing between hours? does the time of day effect you (day time grinders vs night time grinders). is there any studies that show that gaming actually helps you? How does gaming effect mental health like battling mental illnesses.

learned- I learned from the little research I conducted that video games can help with depression or anxiety and can make peoples moods be more positive. Gaming is a form of relaxation in a way. Also the best thing for you to do is stretch every hour when you game to help you not get any back problems.

still want to know- I still have many questions to answer from my want to learn and will be looking forward to learning more about and researching about.




“Research Starts with a Thesis Statement”

As a kid growing up I was always super interested in watches and time. Watches were a big part of my childhood ever since I got my first Casio CA53W-1, that watch amazed me with the amount of functions it had. I can set the time, date, alarm stop watch. The main selling point was that It had a built in calculator as well. I would research and learn more about watches and collect multiple over time. I learned about the different types of watches there are, quartz, mechanical (automatic), digital. The beauty of a mechanical watch is that it uses a tiny coil and gears and a weighted half circle that spins when you wear it and walk around with it. Spinning that weighted half circle winds up the watch and allows it to run from 36hours-168hours depending on the manufacturer of the movement. Over some years my curiosity of watches fell short because education system required me to focus more on exams, classwork, homework and the amount of time I had fell short. I slowly couldn’t keep up with all the new watch releases/ mechanical movement modifications and that made me lose intreset in them.  Recently however due to covid I have been able to catch up on a lot of horology stuff and been able to keep up with it and its brought back memories I had as a kid buying and reading books about watches and how the first clock used to use light to their advantage to predict the time of day it was and there was a huge dome thing that captured the light and this was created way back in 1505. Watches will always interest me because it’s an accessory that comes in so many different styles, brands, materials and really differentiates men from boys. A watch can tell a lot about you swell.

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