A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Hamood Almashraqi (Page 2 of 10)

rough draft of artist statement

The thing that made me most interested in this topic is the fact that I play video games on a daily basis (well not so much recently because of school) but video games play a big part in my life. They calm me down when Im amped up, they relieve enormous amounts of stress, it helps with my anxiety and is a way for me to escape reality when I’m over whelmed. They don’t only help/ benefit me, but many of my other friends as well. Some even use it to help with their anger issues and other mental illnesses. Also video games have made me overall a happier and more productive person. My parents however don’t see it the way I do. They believe that video games are the root of all evil. That video games just make you lazy, not smart, and anti social. Also I know it isn’t just my parents its all adults so that’s why I wanted to do this, to educate them of the benefits that came from playing video games. Now I also decided to try and educate the children and teens of the benefits from playing video games so they also understand that there’s more that meets the eye with these games. Most kids and teens play games and don’t really think about the benefits of the different games that they play can have on them. For example first person shooters can help their fast pace problem solving and reaction times, etc. My idea was to create a leaflet because a leaflet has all the information needed all in a small form factor, that is easy to read, very straight forward, easy to hand out and pass around and also since the average attention span of a human is 8 seconds, it should be well enough to grab the readers attention within those 8 seconds and since its so small and is packed with useful information, the reader will almost feel obligated to continue reading till its done. I will also have playful graphics from common games and a meme on it to better appeal to the younger and older audience. I will create this leaflet to be only one page back and front with some easy to read diagrams and colors that grab the readers attention and can be easy on the eyes. I will also put questions that the reader can himself so he can better understand the sort of games that he plays and the benefits that come out of it. I will also put facts about the healthy average amount of time spent on gaming, and what ways the reader can do to have a healthy video game session and not over due it and play for 5 hours+. This leaflet will be the gamers ultimate guide to understand how gaming effects them and also the benefits that comes with gaming. Also how they can use what gaming provides them with in the real world and utilize it to their advantage.

“annoying ways people use sources”


“Readers get a sense of pleasure from the safe flow of hearing how to read an upcoming quotation, reading it, and then being told one way to interpret it. Prepare, quote, analyze.”


A quote that is well explained and well put together will be greatly appreciated by the reader.


“Heres an actual example from Alexandra. Notice the way she builds up to the quotation and then explains it”


the author says how Alexandra explains and builds up to her quotation to help strengthen the quote and make it easier to interpret.


”readers appreciate being guided to and led away from a quotation by the writer doing the quoting”


The author is saying that the reader would appreciate the writer to explain and cite correctly so its easier to understand.


“readers get the feeling that they’re moving from one quo-tation to the next without ever quite getting to hear the real point of what the author wants to say, never getting any time to form an opinion about the claims”


I think he means like people put quotes and don’t analyze it or explain it. The reader cant interpret what the correlation of the quote is if you don’t explain it well enough



from reading this I learned how a strong quote is very very crucial. Also how there’s a correct way to cite evidence. He talks about how you should build up to the quote and explain it throughly.  Also he told us when you cite a quote but don’t do it correctly you leave room for the reader to get confused and get thrown off from your argument or topic. Lastly he taught me how the reader would greatly appreciate well put together evidence, which would leave no room for confusion on the reader.


“Simple games that are easy to access and can be played quickly, such as “Angry Birds,” can improve players’ moods, promote relaxation and ward off anxiety.” Gaming has been proven to positivity effect the users mood and help with depression, anxiety, and provide relaxation from the stressful life that the user has and can be easy and quick to access. This can ultimately benefit you and how you preform day to day. A happy person would often be more energetic and positive and this can be beneficial for ones mental health. Also could help improve social skills and make you a better person overall.

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