Dear future me, by now you should of made sure that you have done everything possible to make  sure that your grades are at their very best because if not you need to get your things together. I know you, there will be times where you’ll feel like giving up is your only solution but remember why you came here in the first place. You’re doing this not just for that degree but because you know that doing this will help you out give everything you ever wanted to your family. I am so proud of you because of that and look at you you’re going to be the first generation to make it. Don’t be scared to fail the whole point of this is to try and not give up. Besides this letter there is a picture of you with your biggest motivation


Hey guys for those who are reading this, this is my mother the lady who raised me and my siblings on her on. I love this lady so much and for her is the reason I want to be someone important in this world. I want to be able to give back to her because she truly deserves it. I admire her so much and I thank her for always supporting me and my decisions. Let’s get it class of 2020.