A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Proposal

Anti-homeless architecture is something that causes inconveniences to members of a community, especially the homeless community. There are ways for people to inform themselves of what this type of architecture is about and what can be done to help.  The audience I will be targeting are members of a community, including neighborhood residents, local store owners and activists, and even the younger generation of students. The genre I am planning to write in is a leaflet because it allows for information to be condensed into a fair amount of space that is easy to comprehend. A leaflet also allows for easy transportation and viewing, as it can be handed out to people to read and posted onto community boards. To start, I will be taking the most important points of my research along with pictures to inform the reader of what anti-homeless architecture is. Color schemes, word and picture alignment will be very important. If I decide to make a foldable leaflet, there might be a chance I can fit in more information as each column can list an important point of my research. A concern I have is that I am only adding why anti-homeless architecture is not beneficial for the homeless, I will be excluding the argument that there are benefits of it. It will also take some time to be able to condense all the information to make sure my objective is clear and easy to understand for someone who has never heard of anti-homeless architecture. Although I think a leaflet is a good idea, I’m not 100% sure if putting so much info on it will make it easy to read and understand so I might change my genre choice if needed.


  1. Lisa Cole

    Cindy, a leaflet is an excellent idea!

  2. Mohamed Zindani

    This is a really interesting topic. We live our everyday lives worried about what is going on in our way of life without realizing what many people have to struggle with which does not affect us in the slightest way but on the other hand, it can determine whether the person is getting a good night of sleep or not. Also while providing homeless people places to live is virtuous the real problem is preventing future homelessness which the true key to ending homelessness.

    I think that the voice of writing it about this topic in a leaflet is a great choice as it will make it easily distributed and that will help reach a bigger audience.

    I think that your target audience could be more narrow, think of any communities or areas where there are a lot of homelessness cases prevalent.

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