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Something important I learned that I learned in Unit 2, that I want to teach my audience is the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes in terms of what goes into producing and creating mangas and anime. The audience I    plan to reach out to are people in the anime community as well as manga readers. I believe in reaching out to this audience they would also be able to understand as well as appreciate the hard work studios and artists put in, to create the piece of work they are interested in. Additionally, they would be able to see how the production and style of anime has changed over the years in creating certain pieces. The genre I plan to write is an informative article. I chose this genre of writing because I believe in doing so, it would be easy for me to convey the information I am trying to tell without getting boring to the reader as well as being able to include the information and details I may have gathered in my research by guiding the reader to them. I plan on starting this article by researching the background as well as the details many people may not know. Also, by watching videos or interviews with those who work behind the scenes in order to gain the right information that is included. One concern I  have when completing this paper is keeping the information interesting and not repetitive. I would want people to stay captivated in my writing and not get bored. I will try and keep it interesting by speaking on my personal beliefs and in relation to the main idea so I am not just including information for the reader to keep reading. Overall, I  believe this main idea for my article will be interesting to those invested in anime wondering to learn more.


  1. Lisa Cole

    Excellent, Karina!

  2. Hamood Almashraqi

    I like this proposal a lot because I also watch some anime, titles- my hero academia, Naruto, mob psycho, akame ga kill, full metal alchemist, and multiple others. The art of anime is very beautiful and shows expressions that regular TV shows can’t. The fact many people hate on it is sad because they don’t take the time to appreciate the amount of work that goes into drawing manga especially, let alone anime. I think its great you are trying to reach out to manga readers and anime watchers so that they can appreciate anime on a deeper and next level. I know I don’t know how long it takes to create manga or anime, I simple just watch and enjoy it as is with out much thought of how its created. You should take it a step further and try to show examples of different mangas and state how long it took to draw them and put it in perspective. One question I have is how will you create your article? Will it be just straight forward or will you add examples like I suggested. This is a unique unit 3 project and I cant wait to read it.

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