Gentrification is the process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to a middle-class taste.Gentrification tends to affect people in lower class communities and praise on white wealthy people.People are leaving their homes because they can no longer afford it due to this process of renovation. According to they state “1985 California passes the Ellis Act, which provides landlords a way of changing their rent-controlled apartments to market rate. Today, critics cite the act as a driving force behind mass evictions in gentrifying San Francisco.”  landlords are raising the prices to their tenants. Why is this being done because the value of the land is increasing due to the many ‘projects’ happening around. With this many people are forced out the place that they call home, not being able to keep up with rent. The prices rising are the seeds to gentrification, how gentrification rises, once the lower income families move out the wealthy begin moving into a new renovated neighborhood. With little to no clue that the place they now call home was once a neighborhood filled with minorities of the lower-class.

–*ps  Im having total writer’s block writing this but it will come together