Overall, this article basically helps and shows writers the importance of utilizing and explaining  quotations that are significant and relevant to your piece of work. For example, it states, ” But the main problem with quoting arises when writers assume that quotations speak for themselves. Because the meaning of a quotation is obvious to them, many writers assume that this meaning will also be obvious to their readers, when often it is not.” I feel as a writer myself, this was very relatable because sometimes I tend to not further explain a quote as well as its relevance because the reasoning for my choice of the quote poses very obvious to me and I assume that the quote will be self explanatory for the reader as well, even though it may not be. Additionally, the article also states, “Given the evolving and messy nature of writing, you may sometimes think that you’ve found the perfect quotation to support your argu­ment, only to discover later on, as your text develops, that your focus has changed and the quotation no longer works.” I thought this was personally very relatable because I tend to write all over the place when I am free writing and then notice that some of my pieces do not connect as they should nor do they make sense with one another.