Quote 1 ” I don’t think the language spoken family, especially in immigrant families, especially  in immigrant families which are more insure in shaping the language of child. ”page 2 i  agree with this because i speak English with everywhere but when its home i speak my language  with mom and dad I practice every word or procrastination its hard to speak it but English its easy you can learn or write in you tube. but other languages is hard to learn either the style of the writing or the accents of the person speaks of their native language .

Quote 2” Asian  American students whose English in home might be also described as broken or limited. ” I agree with this quote because   when people speak their  native language at home , it can be broken or limited due to the fact they adapted to speak their mature language mixed with the American language.

Quote 3 ”I am not a scholar of English or literature  i can not give much more than personal opinion on English language and its variations in this country  others”. I agree because i am also not a scholar and the English style of writing can change. and English language is easy to learn but takes time. and no one is really perfect.