Genre Awareness – identify differences and similarities in structure and organization

How content is dealt with

How vocab, sentence structure and tone are used

It is important to figure out ways to differentiate genres. Noticing the details – vocab, sentence structure, and tone will help me develop techniques to improve my own writing.
Good writers are always aware of their audience and purpose. This was also mentioned in RLW, knowing who and why you are reading will help structure your writing, such as the details and words used.

Centripetal forces – conventions, contexts, characteristics of the genre

Centrifugal force – creativity, style, expectations

No two text are alike

I think it is good to note that you may read similar works in the same genre, but each author has their own style which can differentiate one piece of writing from another.
Notice features of language that good writers use

Notice language and becoming more genre aware are vital for improving your writing

Becoming more genre aware will help me develop techniques to write.