When I was a kid the only languages I knew was  Bengali. Bengali was only language I thought was existed only. But as I was growing up I was discovering more languages and out of all of them English only caught my eyes. I wanted to learn English more than  any other languages. But learning English wasn’t easy because I use to have accent which made me uncomfortable and I tried to get rid of it as soon as I can. I have similar experience to Jamila Lyiscot when she said “Cause I speak three tongues. One for each: Home, school and friends”. I use to speak 2 different languages with my friends and family. My parents isn’t from here and they barely understand English for that I had to switch up between English and Bengali.  Also Jamila Lyiscot brought up an important point in this poem “Now you may think that it is ignorant to speak broken English. But I’m here to tell you that even “articulate” ” Jamila talks about how people still judge by how they speak and they get treated good or bad based on that.  Lyiscott poem got my interest because she talks about the recent problem which still   happening throughout recent times. This poem shows how people from all over the world getting mistreated based on what language they speak and how well they speak. People shouldn’t get judge based on  what languages they speak. It’s hard to get use to a new language and adapt it as your first language.   Speaking more then one languages isn’t bad at all “That’s why I put “tri-lingual” on my last job application” Jamila Lyiscot. speaking more then one language helps you to communicate with more people and get more opportunities but some people sees it in a negative way.