Quote 1:

“Developing genre awareness means becoming aware of how certain texts are similar in their structure and organization and how content is dealt with and how vocabulary, sentence structure, and tone are used.”

I thought this quote was very important and relevant to take notice in. Being a writer as well as a reader, it is important to notice how certain pieces of writing are structured. Additionally, it is important to see how the structure as well as how the organization and other aspects contribute to the genre and overall main idea. Keeping notice of this can allow for me to have better structure in my pieces of work.

Quote 2:

“Good writers are always aware of their audience and purpose and genre awareness helps us meet the expectations of our audience.”

I  believe this is very important because it shows how important it is to take notes of other writers as well as techniques utilized by other writers in order to become a better writer yourself. It is important to cater your piece of work to your audience and in doing do genre awareness becomes more predominant because it allows for the writer to focus on one specific area to meet the expectations of their audience.

Quote 3:

“There is a common misconception about genre. The misconception is that people feel that there is an exact prescribed way of writing a text….. No two films are exactly alike as different actors, directors, and script writers make big differences to the overall film.”

This quote was very interesting to me because it opened my mind and made me think about pieces of work. This allowed me to think because whilst some pieces of work may have many similarities and similar writing techniques, everyone writes different as well as every piece of work may be portrayed differently to the reader. Similar to movies, like the quote depicted, every movie has different actors as well as a different director and different scripts. In doing so, this allows for every movie to be significantly different due to the portrayal of the plot.

Quote 4:

“Becoming better at noticing and becoming more genre aware are vital for helping develop as a skilled writer who can write different texts in different genres that meet the expectations of their various audiences.”

Overall, taking note and paying attention to the different aspects that come with noticing genre awareness are very important in striving to become a better writer. In expanding your knowledge and expertise, this allows writers to take more notice of techniques in order to apply to their own pieces of work. In doing so, writers are allowed to better cater to their audience by using more captivating and interesting techniques that they may appreciate.