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  1. One thing that I learned from the reading was that readers and authors might not always see eye to eye. From the reading I was able to get that readers can just skip over your analysis and evidence if they deem it as rude. And all that writing goes down the drain meaning your claim will not really be clear to the reader. Being able to word your writing properly so that it won’t offend the reader but still being able to support your claim. This is something that I seem to struggle with, my own writing. Only because I’m trying to convince almost forcefully why the reader needs to agree with my claim. One thing that I agreed with was the quotation, not having and intro to your evidence and also not having an analysis of the quote. You definitely won’t be able to get your claim across to your audience.


2 The definition of gentrification seems to get altered  when people use it to describe gentrification. When people are asked about gentrification they run circles all around trying to make justification like it’s just renovations,it’s there to help the community instead of facing the effects of gentrification. According to Cityobservatory.org How gentrification benefits long-time residents of low income neighborhoods. (2019, July 19). from https://cityobservatory.org/how-gentrification-benefits-long-time-residents-of-low-income-neighborhoods they state  “an important innovation of their work is linking data for individuals across the two time periods, to measure in detail what happened to a neighborhood’s original residents. The study uses a definition based on changes in the relative educational attainment of adults in Census tracts; gentrifying neighborhoods are the low income census tracts in central cities of the nation’s 100 largest metro areas that recorded the highest rates of increase in adult educational attainment over the past decade or so.  …The most common critique of gentrification is the notion that it forces long-term residents, especially low income renters, out of the neighborhood. Brummet and Reed stratify households by education level (which is a good proxy for income levels).  They find that gentrification has a very small impact on the tendency of less educated renter households to move away from the neighborhood.  Over a ten-year period, about 60 percent of less educated renters moved out of their neighborhood, regardless of whether it gentrified.” This article states that the data collected is from the census from educational attainment. Meaning that folks that have some educational background data is being collected. Well the less educated were almost naturally placed into the neighborhoods they live in, it’s usually NYCHA public housing or Section 8 funded apartments, which is affordable to the “less” educated”….


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Excellent response, Mariam!

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