(Sources The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, https://ihs.org and personal theorizing)

Will driving ever become illegal due to artificial intelligence becoming more advanced and more safe then human operators resulting in fully autonomous vehicles?Cars and crash’s go hand in hand there is not one person who drives that has never passed by an accident or been involved in one, in fact just yesterday I was rear ended on the highway while with my friend in stop and go traffic. The insurance institute for highway safety (IIHS) is an independent, non profit organization dedicated to reducing fatality’s and injuries in auto accidents. The IIHS was founded in 1959 they work on making vehicle design safer and making the public aware on how to avoid drivers error such as fatigued driving. Through the IIHS’s work in nearly perfecting car design by conducting research such as crash tests cars have become much safer but their still is a problem, user error.

Pitch the idea of outlawing driving 60-70 years ago and you would have gotten lynched, Seat belts were not even mandated until 1968 let alone my car model didn’t even get frontal airbags until 1994 and my 2002 model does not have side impact airbags, so cars have certainly become safer by leaps and bounds. However consider these statistics one might say, in 2016 10,500 people died from drunk driving and texting and driving leads to 1.6 MILLION crash’s every year and nearly 390,000 injuries a year, so what would happen when self driving becomes so good we can fully rely on it and stop all these crash’s would driving then become illegal? Now I am personally of the opinion that i hope this never happens because I enjoy driving but you cannot deny that this seems like a plausible possibility. Considering 50 years ago when their was no concept of a cellphone drinking and driving was most likely the leading cause of car accidents but now texting and driving is the leading cause of car fatalities and has greatly suprassed drinking and driving, and become a major problem, such a big problem that car manufacturers had to disable certain features while the car is in motion to prevent drivers become distracted. considering so many hundreds of thousands of drivers in America are so distracted and can’t help themselves from texting can’t you see in 15-20 years from now driving becoming illegal? There are numerous risks to take into account if that become a law however as your car can be hacked and a hacker can simply drive you off a cliff or drive you to a location where they can kidnap you and hold you for ransom (this is all theoretical) so the government will have to review these major issues if they want to avoid a riot and insure a seemless transition to a fully autonomous Electric green powered self driving vehicle of the future. what do you think?