The Rise and Rise of Anime: Why the Japanese Artform Is Blooming
This article begins with the interview of Mamoru Hosoda, a director whom creates movies and films for the anime genre. He goes on to explain that one main reason that anime has become so popular to a wide range of people is due to the fact that anime is cartoons but can span to adults. He goes into detail to explain that the world of anime and manga can appeal universally to many people due to their unique storylines, characters, and life styles. He says that he believes the in depth character development as well as grown ups being able to enjoy the animation style that was originally made for children. He also includes that the use and development of 2-D characters has made a huge impact in the way that different methods and techniques could be used in a wide range of different genres and artists techniques. Lastly, he mentions that he believes in animation the artists do not get the proper recognition for the hard work that is put into their pieces of work. He includes that remaking animated pieces into live action pieces can pose as disrespectful to the animators.
Overall, I do agree with this producer/director. I believe that the wide range and span of anime has become fairly popular due to the wide range and groups of people that anime is able to reach. This includes that of reaching adults or overall just people of any age being able to enjoy anime. I believe that with the different storylines as well as character development of every single genre it has become something anyone around the world of any age can enjoy and indulge in. In this piece of work, I  believe that it was important to include the importance and uniqueness of animating 2-D characters as opposed to the regular animation style that came about before anime. In this piece of work, I believe that it should have been expanded more upon how the animation style has impacted the anime fandom as well as how it has made an impact on worldwide making anime accessible to others. I also agree with the fact that recreating 2-D pieces of work into live action films is disrespectful to the creators of the anime due to all the work that is put in on the creators side.
“And the second phase became things that grown-ups can enjoy — but those particular grown-ups are like, say, those who still have the mind of a child, or otakus. So it was a genre. Animation — anime — was a genre of movies.”
“I think animation movies, recent modern ones, are rich in stories and also have universal appeal [with] a really strong storyline, world and lives.”
“And that’s what I don’t like. I think they just really need to pay more respect to the original animations”