This video goes in depth of the beginning of anime as well as the first anime production studio called Toei Animation. The style of this animation studio was closely related to that of Disney studios which is why America and other countries began to take an interest in Japanese animation. In seeing this, more artists as well as writers in Japan began to make an increase in the production of their pieces of work. For example, Osamu Tezuka made his own animation studio where he later created the anime well known as Astro Boy. This anime reached America and became very popular allowing him to continue to release more and more anime in hope they would reach other countries aside from his own. Tezuka was very inspired by that of Disney characters allowing him to include similar styles such as big eyes and a slender figure. As well as including special styles and unique clothing ideas. For the years and decades to follow, other artists followed in the same path whilst experimenting with different genres and not so ideal storylines. This allowed for thousands of new anime to be introduced making it applicable for many different people. Allowing, Pokemon one of the most famous anime to exist to come into fruition.


I agree with this video and believe it was very informative in terms of explaining the origins of anime as well as how those steps have allowed anime to adapt into the large industry it is today.  One thing that was very interesting to me was that the first few anime production studios to come to light took inspiration from Disney in order to make the animation aesthetically pleasing as well as in relation for viewers. I believe that this also impacted the popularity of anime because once people were familiar with the style of Disney it was fairly easy to adapt to the style of Japanese anime. Additionally, this has allowed individuality of characters to develop when artists create their pieces of work. In doing so, manga readers as well as anime watchers were able to develop a love as well as a sense of attachment to certain unique characters. This allowed anime to spread to numerous countries and have a wide fandom. I believe it was very bold of Japanese artists to begin production companies on their own unsure of the effect that this new animation style as well as different genres would have on people.


“From comic strips to full length animated films, anime has endured a long and difficult journey that led to the ever so successful animation industry that Japan is so well known for.”

“Tezuka was really inspired by the character designs of Disney and decided to include some of those styles in his own work. He gave his characters extremely large eyes and a slender figure…. He also gave them unique hair and clothing styles.”