I have decided to do my research on if playing video games has an affect on a persons mental and physical health. If it does then it what way does it affect an individual. This question gripped me because ever since I was little I loved to play video games and back then I remember telling myself I would love to play for a whole day if i could. Of course i couldn’t because my parents would never allow that. But at the time i just thought they were being mean. In my mind no bad could ever come from something so entertaining. However, as i got older either on on the TV, newspaper, or some other form of media i kept seeing cases where people complained games were harmful to those who played. Some claimed that it was the cause of violence in some children. This made me curious because I have been playing video games for a long time and have never felt an violent tendencies. So do these claims hold any truth?

During my research i expect to find different cases in which games caused harm to an individual  either physically or mentally. I would like to know how it affects a persons brain and if it is a positive or a negative impact. I may also find if different games affect people in different ways. This may shed light on what genres would be safer or have low lower risk of being harmful.By the end of my research i would like to be able to prove that video games have a more positive affect on society than it does a negatived affect. These are the results that i expect because i know many people who play video games but none violent and that includes me. I know there are negative side to gaming but the good seems overlooked.

If my research turns out to go completely against what i expected to find then I will bring my findings to light. If it turns out video games have a more of a negative affect i would thinks of ways to change that. For example limiting the amount of violence seen in games. However, I do doubt the benefits would outweigh the negative. If they do i will not ignore the facts and i will acknowledge negative completely.

Some genres that would be useful during this research would be neuroscience which is the study of the brains functions and how it affected. This could shed some light on the ways the brain is affected by games.  Many news stations address the issues of video games so i could get information for them too. There could be cases of games being banned and the reasons why.