A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

The first draft

The reason I’m interested In this topic is that I want to see what people believe should happen in the case of the vaccination of children. Diseases kill children every year. Many diseases are bacteria, inhaled by the victim. The bacteria live and grow while their victim dies. Other diseases are caused by viruses; a non-living infection that attacks the immune system and other living cells. Children are much more vulnerable to disease because of their weak immune systems. They’re weak because they have not lived life long enough to build immunities for disease and infection. Vaccination is one of the most effective public health interventions in the world for saving lives and promoting good health. Only clean water, which is considered to be a basic human right, performs better. In all 50 US states, children over five must receive vaccinations before enrollment in state-licensed public schools, and often private schools or daycare facilities. All states have exemptions on medical grounds, almost all states grant religious exemptions and only a few states allow philosophical exemptions for those who object to immunizations because of personal, moral, or other beliefs. For many years, immunizations have continued to keep the spread of disease low. They have lowered the number of deaths and saved lives. What I expect to find about this topic is what both sides have to say. One side could say that it is mandatory. While others believe that vaccines should not be mandatory for children. I expect the people who believe that it is mandatory to say that vaccines causing complete disease would be extremely unlikely. Most vaccines are kill vaccines and it isn’t possible to contract the disease from the vaccine. When the people who say it shouldn’t believe that it is there right to not take it and it better to tough it out than taking the vaccinate. If on my way I find information that goes against what I expected I would add it in. I may have a change of mind depending on what id being said in the information. The reason I’m doing this is that if I just leave it out how will I be able to come to understand the two sides. None the less chose what side I believe is right. Nothing is wrong with getting information that challenges what expect it just helps me understand my research better. The best source to find information on the topic is the medical site. This is because they will have multiple information about the topic since it has to do with vaccines.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Jamal, your response is well-developed for formulating your first draft of the introduction for your annotated bibliography, except for two things: you should begin with your research question not a statement, because the way you wrote this assumes that I know your question already. You also need to provide more than a “medical site” as a descriptor of the the kinds of genres you think might give you good information. A medical site is too general. Are you looking for magazines, interviews, etc.?

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