In, “A Talk to Teachers, ” by James Baldwin I believe he is discussing the fact that kids are aware of racism and the social injustice that goes on. He discusses that many adults may think kids are not fully aware of this social injustice however, with the education system it is evident to these kids that there is a significant difference in the treatment of colored children versus white children. He also includes that this segregation stems from not knowing one’s history. It is included that, colored people are well informed of the history of their ancestors as well as the events leading to slavery. However, white people on the other hand are unaware of their history and where their ideals may stem from. When Baldwin says, “the world is larger,” I believe he is discussing the fact that as you get older your ideologies of the world may change. He includes the detail about a little boy growing up in his neighborhood and realizing he cannot follow through with where he wants to be in life due to the color of his skin. I believe that he uses this wording to show the effect of racism on the lives of children. Growing up makes you realize the world in itself is not perfect and is very corrupt, and there are dark things out there. Which is something none of us would have imagined as a child. Something I wish that I was taught more in school is the “true” events of racism as well as women’s rights. As I have grown older, everyday I learn new events and different things that happened as opposed to what I was taught in school. I believe that a large portion of the information we are taught in school, may be twisted or changed in order to teach new generations not the genuine story. For example, in present day with the many Black Lives Matter protests, I believe in the future when generations are learning about these events in school or from textbooks, I strongly believe that the stories are going to be changed in order to favor the nation as opposed to speaking out on the corruption of the nation.