A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Response to, “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing”

Throughout the three examples we have read that tend to the topic of genre awareness as well as the use of education narratives, I    have learned many new techniques as well as ways to expand on our writing to become better writers in the use of education narratives. So far, I believe the ingredients of an education narrative include knowing how to properly convey a story through the use of the correct figurative language as well as descriptions. Through the use of both of these it is easier to be able to convey a story to the reader in which the reader is able to imagine and better understand the importance of the piece of work. To start off an education narrative of your own, I believe one of the first few steps is to revisit experiences you have lived through and decide on one that you feel would be easily conveyed as well as having a distinct message. Additionally, I believe it should be a story/experience that the reader may be able to relate to as well as sharing possible similar experiences. Overall, I feel that it should be something that can reach the target audience as well as allowing others who may not share those feelings to experience. Some more questions I have about writing my own education narrative is, How do I choose the right story for me to write? How can I  make sure to achieve the correct writing style as well as figurative language to make it effective for the reader? In all, I    feel that writing an education narrative may prove to be difficult in the beginning but I feel that it will be an interesting learning experience in helping me grow as a writer.

1 Comment

  1. Cindy

    I agree with all your points that are considered to be ingredients that are used in education narrative writings. Writing conventions are important in all genres, it helps the writer properly express their thoughts which then help readers understand the piece of writing more like you mentioned. I think the point where you mentioned that , “as well as allowing others who may not share those feelings to experience,” is a great point! An education narrative piece is a genre where the author shares an experience of theirs. Not everyone may be able to relate, but the way the writing is structured is there to inform the reader and to help them visualize how things might have been for the writer, the issues they might have faced, and the feelings they have experienced due to it.

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