Mike Bunn makes the comparison of how we are already authors, he makes this comparison by showing that when he was working he had to pay careful attention to his job and make sure nothing went wrong. He would listen to each phrase or sentence and if he made a mistake he would have to re read. He takes in his daily tasks and makes his experience compare to a authors read / writing techniques. He says the way he concentrated at work and made sure nothing went wrong is the same way an author does when he is perfecting his reading and writing. At my old job it was a hostess job that required a lot of concentration and had to make sure that I had enough room for all the reservations and cleared out canceled reservations and made sure that you responded a certain ways to customers as well as picking up the phone calls the way we were told. Those small things I had to do is the same way a author uses his skills to perfect his writing. In both examples I had to make sure I spoke a certain way and when their was a issue I responded in a professional way.  Bunn says that things you should notice while you are writting is like intended audience and when this took place, sometimes when I read I forget to make sure to know what time period was this book written as well as why he/she wrote the book. The time period is important because when something is written shows a lot like, the lifestyle, culture, and peoples actions and how it affects the books storyline. Bunn also makes another good point is the language someone uses when explaining something , for example Shakespeare language has to do a lot with how people spoke back then and how their language affected them. When first reading Shakespeare , you are confused because you don’t know why the book is written so different from todays lifestyle , but when you look deeper you see the intention of language and how it builds the plot and storyline.