Mike Bunn states in his reading “You are already an author”, he’s talking to his audience which in this case will be us. We can all definitely relate to that, at some point in our life we all have written essays, reports or even responses like right now. In those pieces that we have written we have applied some of the skills we’ve learned about writing whether in school or alone.  Through out our education years our reading and writing has only improved, just on the simple fact that we pick up new skills and word choices to improve our writing abilities.

While being in college and even outside of college these existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing by being able to expand my word choice. Not only that but I will be able to know how to develop more my writings, for example, being able to get my message/point through to my audience.


Yes! There are certain skills, techniques that I noticed in Bunn’s article that I will like to try on my own writings. I believe, well I know that these new techniques will definitely improve my papers, reports, anything that involves writing. I will start to ask my self questions while I’m reading or writing, I mean I have been doing that but I don’t necessarily do it often nor I feel that I ask myself the proper things. So that’s definitely something I will like to start doing more frequently, as well being more brief and engaging to my audience as how he was. I have always felt that in order to be a stupendous writer your writing piece has to be engaging, your vocabulary has to be good enough for your audiences. I will as well improve my word choice, some wordings don’t necessarily make an impact to your writing but some do! Including quotes that have a deeper meaning would as well be good in my writings so I will improve in that as well.