What I think about Mike Bunn saying that “you’re already an author” is that. We all have written before wither it be good or bad.One thing that he stated was that all ‘writing can be improved’, so of course while the some of us are writing we might think well this is some of my best work  someone reading it might think the total opposite which is why you should think about a few thing before writing.One thing that Mike stated was there are two types of reading, normal reading which is the typical reading to find information and and RLW trying figure out the text you are reading was constructed so you know how to build one yourself.So as an author you have to figure out what is the audience you are attempting to reach? And what was the purpose of your writing?

This expertise will help with our college reading and writing because we can use it even if it isn’t necessary a direction.It also better help our own writing trying to figure out what the author is trying to get at.Thus, when we begin writing we know how are we going to attack the writing what things we should or should not include, or would this work in my own writing?

One thing in Bunns article that i would like to try in my own writing is the format or structure.I liked how the first paragraph wasn’t so long and how he did not necessary begin with what he was going to talk about.He started off with him begin a recent graduate and the job he was woking at.As a reader i thought he was going to continue with that route but then he was able to tie that back with his purpose of the article.While reading it was almost as if he was addressing one person, which was the reader.Also the questions that i ask myself before i begin writing, who is my audience? And what was the purpose of writing this? So for example if i wanted to write about how plastic bags are are a harm to my society i wouldnt start my writing with why people who drink coffee every morning would understand.If i do that, the audience  who don’t drink coffee would think the writing doesn’t pertain to them when the whole time i’m trying to convince everyone that plastic bags are a harm.