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Job Opportunity – Internship in Electrical Construction

Hatzel & Buehler, Inc., Bluestone Communications, and Blue Sky Controls have developed an internship program to expose high school and college students to multiple career opportunities in the electrical construction industry. Since implementation, students have excelled in professional development, socialization, and team-building experiences. Students who completed the Corporate Internship Program have been accepted into local IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) apprenticeship training programs, 2-4-year college-level construction management programs as well as secured full-time employment.

More information: FLYER

To Apply: Send an email with the subject line “CMCE Career – Hatzel & Buehler” to Cara Salerno​​​​ c.salerno @ and cc: Anne Marie Sowder amsowder @ introduce yourself in the email and include your resume.