HIICompany, a General Contractor providing Superior Craftsmanship in New York City Residential Work is seeking an Assistant Project Manager and summer intern for 2023 to join their team.
APM Job Description: See attached
Skills and Requirements
• Holds or in pursuit of bachelor’s degree in management or related field
• No experience in construction project management is required
• Proficient in Microsoft Office
• Strong written and oral communication skills
• Ability to plan and organize and work well in a team environment
• Ability to work effectively under pressure
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
• Excellent multitasking skills, being able to manage multiple projects at the same time
• Ability to efficiently allocate your cognitive resources to achieve thoroughness and accuracy
when accomplishing tasks, no matter how small or large
To apply or find out more, please send an email with the subject line “CMCE Career – HIICompany” addressed to Gregory Madzio gmadzio @ hiicorp.com and cc: Anne Marie Sowder amsowder @ citytech.cuny.edu. Attach your resume.