Class Thirteen


Holy cow, are we so close!

First off, the quiz! Here is some code for that. Here is the link for Listamatic.

You will have 1 hour to see how far you get, then we will assess the situation from there. We will all vote and agree on how these will be graded.

Here is today’s class code.

Today we are going over the forms again, then looking at the resume I put together to inspire you on yours.


Take my code and make it your own. I will not grade you well for just replacing my content with yours. After this week, you have one more week to work with me as your final sites are due at the beginning of class on December 16, the last day of class. We will also

Student Show Coming Up

We are supposed to have work in the student show by the 4th. I will go around and pick the people who are in the best shape to be shown as I want to submit live links.

Office Hours

I will be in my office at the usual hours (Tues 4:30pm-5:30pm and Thurs 10:30am-11:30am). Please make an appointment before you come, I have a lot of distractions at this time of year and can wander off.

Additional Hours this week via Skype (my handle is monstressme)

8-10 Tuesday night


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