- Thursday, May 5, 2016 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Room 406, Namm Building, 300 Jay ST.
- A lunch of Mexican cuisine and refreshments will be served!
Cinco de Mayo Entre Familia Celebration
- Thursday, May 5, 2016 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Room 406, Namm Building, 300 Jay ST.
- A lunch of Mexican cuisine and refreshments will be served!
Information on Immigration Issues @ City Tech!!
Free Confidential Information On Immigrant Issues!https://twitter.com/CityTechNews/status/725679810593325057
To Help in the Aftermath of Ecuador’s Earthquake
There have been over 500 reported deaths, over a thousand injured, and many displaced and in need of assistance after Ecuador’s devastating earthquake this past weekend.
Help by donating needed supplies and funds.
Click this link http://cecunuevayork.com/ for a list of places where you can donate supplies in a variety of New York locations and where you can donate funds.
Thursday Pizza and Game Night
Don’t Forget to Join Us For Pizza and Game Night Every Thursday!
Room: 406
Time: 2:15- 3:30
HUS CLUB Meeting Thurs. 4/21!
A Message From Ashley Frazier, HUS CLUB President:
Dear Faculty and Students,
Spring break is fast approaching and in a short time we will be able to relax for a moment. In the meantime please consider joining the Human Service Club. Our next club meeting is on April 21, 2016 and will meet in room 419 B from 12:45-2:15pm. A number of items will be covered during this meeting. We will be hosting elections for the Vice President position and the Treasurer position. We welcome all students who are interested to run for these positions. As Vice President your responsibilities will include helping plan events alongside the club president, facilitating club meetings, and lastly and keeping students informed of the HUSClub activities. As Treasurer your responsibilities will include overseeing the financials of the organization, review procedures and financial reporting, plan fundraising events to keep money in the club, and lastly attending SGA budget meetings. Please prepare a 2-5 minutes speech introducing yourself, major, year, why you want this position, and what you hope to bring to the human service club. This is a great opportunity and please do not miss out. Lastly, we will follow up on the new sub-committees: Entertainment, Natural Disaster/Current event, and Fundraising committee.
In addition to our HUS Club meeting this Thursday, there will be two up-coming exciting events that you are all invited to attend. On May 11th, 2016 from 2:30-5:00pm we will be presenting on Rebuilding NOLA: A City Tech HUS Student Experience in the Amphitheater. Student volunteers to Rebuild Nola service learning trip will share their experiences and what they learned from their project. This event is open to all HUS students and faculty,
and the college community. Please spread the word! On May 19th, 2016, our final meeting of the semester, we will have two great presentations co-sponsored by our peers at CREAR Futuros. Our invited guest speakers, Hillary Webb M.S. Ed., and Belinda Roman, M.S. Ed., will discuss how to improve your financial literacy and get a hold of your financial world. In addition, Dr. Deborah Courtney will present on her summer research and social work practice projects focusing on international women’s issues . I hope to see you all this Thursday and at the other events as well. As usual refreshments and lunch will be served. Be sure to wish the students going on the New Orleans service learning trip safe travels as we get city tech on the radar and help different communities during spring break.
Ashley Frazier
Human Services Club President
Don’t Forget to Vote on 4/19
Join us for our Spring Mixer!
Join us for our City Tech CREAR Futuros Spring Mixer!
Come make new friends and say greet old friends.
April, 14th, 2016
Time: 12:45
Room 406
Food and Refreshments Will be Provided!
Opportunity to Attend MACHS Conference
If you are interested in attending the Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Human Services in Lincroft, NJ on April 2nd, we have a few spots available. This is a great opportunity to spend time with other professionals in the field, and attend workshops by City Tech HUS Faculty and spend time with other HUS students off campus. Cost and transportation will be covered through the HUS CLUB your registration ($50 registration). Email Dr. Diaz at mdiaz@citytech.cuny.edu. Space is limited and available space is first come first served.
For more information on the conference click here http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/machs
Latinos Admit to Being ‘Murderers,’ ‘Traffickers’ and ‘Thieves’ in Anti-Trump Ad
Check out this video!