Reflection #4 (August 10)

Now that you are halfway through the workshop, what questions do you still have about becoming a college student? Ask four questions you would like to have answers to by the end of the City Tech 101 Workshop.


  1. Faris

    Some questions I have are,

    • When will financial aid disburse?(FAFSA & TAP)
    • What are the cafeteria hours? Is the food free, paid, or both?
    • Is limited to City Tech students or can anyone use it for free as well? Does it cater to high school/middle school students?
    • If your financial aid covers textbook fees, how would one go about claiming a textbook with the waived fee?
  2. Kye

    • What mindset should I have on my first day of college?
    • What are the expectations for the first day?
    • What clubs will help me grow as a student and as a person?
    • What is the most effective way to adapt to the college environment?
  3. Omarie

    How are the clubs like at city tech ?

    What are some ways I can transition into college life?

    how does fafsa disbursement work?

    how does the cafe system works?

  4. Kayla N

    • Are there any clubs that are after school/ classes?
    • How many classes should I take the first semester?
    • Is it easy meeting new people the first few weeks of classes?
  5. Kayla Nesbitt

    • Are there any clubs that are after school/ classes?
    • How many classes should I take the first semester?
    • Is it easy meeting new people the first few weeks of classes?
    • AlanC

      Hey there Kayla! I looked on the school website for answers, at least concerning clubs. Hope this helps!

  6. John Campoverde

    • Would I have time to balance education and work ?
    • Would I be able to take a semester gap if needed and still get the same amount of financial aid?
    • Would I familiarize myself with the different ways college professors teach/grade?
    • When do we find out what textbooks we need?
  7. Mahrukh Qamar

    1) What will be the average class size?

    2) Are we still allow to change our schedule in the beginning of the semester?

    3) Whom to ask or ask about the requirements if i want to transfer to different college?

    4) Are there any jobs available on campus?

  8. Mohamed

    When do we find out what textbooks we need?

    what day I am going to find out what’s the requirements ( materials) I need for the classes?

  9. Mohamed

    How does the cafe system works?

    What day I know what’s the requirement materials for the class?

  10. Yusuf Shaikh

    I’d like to know more about the campus generally.

    And I want to learn more about where the college buildings.

    As well as when I Will get my ID.

    Where I can find different associations.

  11. Alexisp11

    What can I do if I don’t feel confident in my chosen career?

  12. Phillip

    1) When will we know what supplies we need for our classes (laptops, books, etc)

    2) Does the school offer any on campus jobs for students

    3) Is There a Due Date on tuition and when is it

    4) Is Their a good way to connect with professors

  13. AlanC

    1. What is the typical schedule for Freshmen?
    2. As a Commuter school, how does CityTech provide housing to it’s international/exchange student population?
    3. Does CityTech compete with other schools in any challenges?
    4. If/When is constructionnset to be completed?

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