Reflection #3 (August 9)

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

  • What life experiences have prepared me for college?
  • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
  • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

Read and comment on another student’s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals.


  1. Kye

    I will create positive learning habits for myself by building relationships with my peers, form study groups, and make a study plan to stay organized.

    • Faris

      I agree that forming a study plan and forming study groups are good ways to develop positive academic habits. Being more organized is a key thing many people, including myself, should work on.

    • Yusuf Shaikh

      Smart, doing something alone is much harder than doing something with people.

    • Heavyn

      Making friends in a commuter college is harder, but City Tech hosts plenty of events that give you the opportunity to make new friends. You could go to connection day on August 31st where you could meet other students, faculty, and alumni that are apart of your major.

  2. Faris

    I will aim to create positive academic habits by forcing myself to follow a structured but realistic daily schedule for me to follow. I struggle with time management and tend to always leave things for the very last minute to complete which is very stressful and frustrating. I’ve decided that I had enough with this and want to force myself to follow this routine until it feels natural to me. This schedule will promote multiple different positive academic impacts such as reserving time strictly for studying, ensure I get a sufficient amount of sleep daily to avoid sleep deprivation, and keeping me more organized to enable myself to plan accordingly and ahead of time.

    • Heavyn

      I also struggle with time management still going into my second year of college. I plan on being consistent with mine this school year because when you have a consistent routine, you will automatically do the things you need to do within the schedule you created. Having a schedule in college that you can stick too can benefit you in the long run.

  3. AlanC

    I learned a lesson in focus and long term planning from my previous experiences. On occasion, you may be frustrated or lost as to why you’re doing a task. Maybe the reason wasn’t explained well to you, it’s tiring work, or you keep having doubts If you feel disheartened by that, just stop for a second. Look over what you were doing and ask; is there someone who can help? Is there a way to do the task that’s easier for me to handle? I think the best way to create a positive academic experience for myself is comparing what I’ve already done to this. If I can go up ~700ft and work in a skyscraper, how can a few paragraphs be so difficult?

    • John Campoverde

      That’s actually a very great comparison, I’ll try to compare my work to my past experiences.

    • Heavyn

      That is a really good way to look on things in life in general. When we doubt ourselves; especially academically, we would start to procrastinate on the assignments or studying we have to do.

  4. Kayla Nesbitt

    One way that I will create positive academic habits for myself is by creating an agenda so that my day would have structure and be organized.

    • Heavyn

      Having a schedule in college is important because it makes your mind be on a schedule and it will allow you to do the things you need to do and the things you would want to do. You should look into a planner or using your phone calendar to make yourself a schedule that you can follow for the semester.

  5. Yusuf Shaikh

    How I will create a positive academic habits for myself:-

    Through discipline and learning from my mistakes. Through proper implementation of pressure I could force myself to do the studying required. While rewarding myself when I succeed.

    • Mahrukh Qamar

      I agree with you rewarding yourself after you have accomplishment will motivate you.

    • Christian Lozano

      Best way to maintain is a consistent study schedule if possible. But whether your motivating factors are intrinsic, extrinsic, emotional, etc., use them all to fuel your desire to pass.

  6. Mahrukh Qamar

    I will create positive academic habits for myself by managing my time to study, not piling up my work, socializing, having positive mind set ,ask professors or classmates for help, set a short term goal to achieve in the semester and lastly getting enough sleep.

    • Christian Lozano

      If you keep that mindset and do the things you wrote here, you will succeed. Most of the time people struggle with college because they don’t keep up with their work and procrastinate too much so if you can manage your time well you will do well.

  7. John Campoverde

    Some past experiences that have prepared me for college would be doing projects last minute. This is beneficial in college because it has shown me how terrible it is to do projects with very little time, so hopefully I will do everything in a timely manner.

    • AlanC

      Ironic for me to post this now; it’s always better to do your work when you can dedicate time for it. If you’re less then satisfied with what you’ve done so far, you can put in the effort to improve on it. When you’re on the clock, you’re forced to submit, knowing you could have done better- if you were working on it earlier.

    • Christian Lozano

      Doing things last minute is not going to get you far. I’ve seen people do terrible with it time and time again and even when it works out they still forget anything. Just stay on top of your work and you’ll be fine.

    • Heavyn

      Now that you’re in college, you have to push yourself to make sure you do all assignments on time; especially, projects because projects are worth a large portion of your grade just like exams. My advice to you, make sure you start your project as soon as you get it, even if it’s due in a month. You could work on your project every other day and by the time your project is due, you would already have it ready to turn in and it gives you enough time to ask your professor questions about what you’ve been working on so far.

  8. Mohamed

    I will create positive academic habits for myself by manage my study space and time.

    • Christian Lozano

      Creating a space specifically for studying, or rearranging an existing space for study purposes is really helpful for getting your brain into study mode. I do this with my desk setup myself.

  9. Phillip

    What life experiences have prepared me for college.

    Life Experiences that helped me with college was honestly almost not passing a class because I wasn’t handing in homework because the teacher wasn’t telling me to give it in but they gave me a valuable lesson that in College your Professors don’t really remind you about homework it’s on you so if you have a question about something ask it don’t wait last minute until it’s to late

    • Heavyn

      Yeah, professors wouldn’t remind you of any assignments; especially, if it’s all on the syllabus or blackboard, but you may come across a few who will remind you.

  10. Alexisp11

    One experience that prepared me for college is trying to learn everything at the last minute. It won’t work and I’ll forget everything.

    • Christian Lozano

      Yeah I’ve tried it before and while you can get by for some tests, you will forget things very quickly and end up not learning anything. It’s also more stressful than having a consistent study and rest schedule.

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