and welcome to City Tech! Congratulations on making it here! This workshop is just the first step in your college journey. It is designed to help you get familiar with City Tech and learn about the facilities and resources here. It’s also designed to help you learn about the college classroom and give you strategies for successful learning.

Please take some time to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the menu to explore the course information, activities, and help. As the course progresses, you will be contributing to the site as well.

Your Profile for this Course and Others

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. However, make sure your teachers and classmates can make a connection to the name you use in class and that which is on the OpenLab.

Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab.

Don’t Forget to Complete the Pre-Workshop Survey!

To get the $300 stipend for successful completion of this course, you MUST complete this online survey by the first day of class.


If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Professor DeCoux, at, or ask your peer mentors for help. If you need help with the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.