Below please find links and support materials to help you succeed in this course and beyond. If you don’t find the resources you’re looking for, ask for assistance!

Suggested Activities

Add the link to the New Student Connection main page provided by First Year Programs

The college wide new student orientation, New Student Connection, allows students to explore the tools necessary to be a successful college student and get advice on how to learn in a virtual environment.

During your department’s Connect Day New Student Welcome, students will meet professors and student leaders. Attending this welcome event will help you learn more about your major and you will meet classmates. Check your email for an invitation or look here for all the department welcome links.

Suggested Readings

Please keep these links listed here, add information as you would like

The Companion for the First Year at City Tech was written and published by City Tech faculty and staff and is designed with new students in mind.

Information about preparing to be a virtual learner will help you find success this semester and in years to come. Read these articles and establish good habits from the start: City Tech, Learn Anywhere and Student Tips for On-line Learning.

Suggested Media

These are suggested media, you are encouraged to change or add to the list. This is a great place to help personalize your workshop

These three speeches are well known and inspirational.

Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen – Baz Luhrmann

Michelle Obama Best Advice for Students  – Address to college graduates

The Best Study Motivation – A+ Study Motivation

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