Developed by Professor Goodlad + Professor Paruolo

Reflection #3

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

  • What life experiences have prepared me for college?
  • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
  • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

Read and comment on another student’s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals.


  1. Israt Korno

    The experiences that have prepared me for college are taking college now courses, college readiness and preparedness program. I took classes in high school that has helped me to learn and grow as a student. My goal was to learn important information by joining speaker series when I was in high school. People stories has motivated me a lot. When I heard other’s stories that inspired me to become something in life. I always wanted to be a college student and achieve my dreams by working hard.

    • Hira Latif

      I also believe on work hard. If you work hard and focus you get your results.

    • Salma Razak

      You definitely achieved your goal of becoming a college student. Now I guess, your next goal is to graduate (OFC). College Now is definitely a good experience to have. You were able to take courses and understand college before your actual experience begun.

  2. Khandoker

    Creating positive academic habits is extremely important for any college student. As the pressure mounts and classes get more demanding, managing and finding a balance between daily life and academics becomes the main concern. Making sure to complete assignments and homework on time is essential to make sure I stay on track with the class. Finding a specific time everyday just to study is also good practice and helps retain information better. I also try asking questions and participating in class as much as possible to make sure I finish as much of my studies in class and leave for time for myself.

    Avoiding procrastination and general laziness is my greatest challenge and I am actively trying to avoid as much as possible. I do not believe I am particularly great at managing time but I am working on it really hard. Its been difficult adapting to the pace of life here and managing college, but I believe creating more positive academic habits will help me manage life and college.

    • Kenie

      Completely agree with you. If you get swayed away you might be so overwhelmed and do things you don’t mean to.

    • Salma Razak

      I’m assuming you mean creating a schedule to follow. I agree 100% finding time to organize when to study and complete task is a very important skill to acquire. You can never go wrong by planning your time. Always leave room for changes BTW.

  3. Kenie

    I like to take things as they go and improvisée. It’s not ideal but it’s been working for me, ofc I do plan ahead sometimes but I mostly do improvisation when it comes to adapting. I observed, assimilate and then make a decision, so I wouldn’t know which of my previous life experiences is getting me through college. But I do kind of learn from mistakes, making sure not to repeat what didn’t workout last time and better what I already have. I like to think first, not all problem need a solution, sometimes you just need to leave it as is, sometimes it’s you that see a problem and the need to absolutely have a solution when there’s no reason so, I say to myself and I get part through it.

    • Kenie

      Completely agree with you. If you get swayed away you might be so overwhelmed and do things you don’t mean to.

    • Sevinch

      Absolutely agreed with you, to be honest sometimes I leave my problems as it is too.

    • Salma Razak

      Improvising isn’t always a bad thing. It shows that you are able to become creative under pressure. It makes you innovative. But it’s not always a good thing either. You shouldn’t constantly put yourself into a situation where improvisation is needed. Sometimes you end up having a poor quality output and we (meaning your professors etc) always want to see your best quality.

  4. Hira Latif

    When I had a difficult situation first I figured it out what caused it happened? Then I calm my self down and find the solution and what can I do to prevent that situation happening again.

    • Salma Razak

      Exactly once you figure out what went wrong, you can trace back your mistakes and fix it

  5. Sevinch

    Before starting the college I took a CLIP course for a whole semester, and I think that is something that helped me a lot to get ready for college. Our professor used to tell us a lot about how college works and what can we do to make this journey easier.

    When I face difficulties the first thing that I do is think about what is it that is creating these difficulties and what can I do to change them. It always depends on the situation though.

    I will create positive academic habits by deciding what is something that I really need and then working on making it a habit by manifesting my mind into it and working smart.

    • Salma Razak

      That’s a great way of thinking about hard situations. It’s important to assess the situation to see what barriers can be removed to simplify a situation.

  6. Precious Oduro

    How will i create positive academic habits for myself?

    To create positive academic habits for myself, I will make sure to ask for help from others when needed. I will keep track of deadlines and important dates , join an organized study group, review all my notes after classes, minimize distractions, take good care of myself and practice self care. Also, I will make sure to set study goals for each session , choose an effective and comfortable study location take practice tests. I will pay attention to the expectations of a class and be sure to meet them by adopting the right study mindset. To these, my academic performance will improve.

    • Salma Razak

      Deadlines! We hate them but they are a necessity in’s a good goal to have. Staying on top of deadlines. You never want to be in a situation where something is due at 11:59pm and you’re starting it at 10:00pm.

  7. Kirill

    • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?

    I didn’t have a lot of hard times in anything, however the better way to solve any hard time is hard work, diligence, and experience to solve anything so far I haven’t had a hard time in college, and to be honest, I don’t think they will.

    • Salma Razak

      Without hard work, many of us wouldn’t be in the position that we are as of today. I’m glad you see it as such. You’ll go far in life with that hard work mentality.

  8. Nickayla Wiggan

    To create a positive academic for myself, I will start by making small study sessions instead of trying to cram it all in at one time. Also, asking for help when I know I need it because that is something that gives me a hard time. Also, try to get better at taking notes because I feel like note-taking is something you need to be successful in college. Time management is also something I want to work on, learning how to balance school, work, and time for myself.

    • Salma Razak

      Cramming is like one of the hardest things to do. I believe at that point, we don’t learn. We instead memorize. Which isn’t a useful thing. Study sessions are a great idea!

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