Class Info
- Date: Saturday, 11/14
- Meeting Info:
- Meeting ID: 951 3249 7520
- Passcode: 123123
To-Do Before Class
- Using two (2) 11×17 sheets:
- Set up the title block
- All labels to use architectural lettering
- Using the dimensions given, generate the building section and north/south elevations.
- For extra credit, you may draw additional elevations and/or a different section view.
- All drawings to be drawn at 1/4″ = 1′-0″ scale
- Set up the title block
- Submit final plans, section, and elevation drawings
- Due Saturday, 11/14 by 12:00pm
- Submit to Dropbox here
Urban Planning + Design
- Critically examine the built environment around us
- Urban design overview
- In class urban design activity
- Think of a spot in the city you like to go (not indoors)
- Why do you like it? What does the space feel like?
- Using Google Maps, examine the conditions of this place and identify the elements that make it feel the way it does (pathways, buildings, landscape, etc…)
- Produce 3 sketches (don’t have to be super detailed):
- One overall plan of the space
- One plan diagram, identifying critical elements
- One perspective sketch of your favorite moment in the space. This sketch doesn’t need to be super detailed, or even accurate, but should convey how the space makes you feel.
- Upload final sketches to Dropbox here
- Think of a spot in the city you like to go (not indoors)
- Introduction to new urban design assignment
- Battery Park City presentation
- Link to recording here

To-Do After Class
- Begin working on your urban design presentation
- Research your place
- If possible, visit and take photographs
- Due Saturday, 12/05 by 12:00pm
- Submit to Dropbox here
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