Category Archives: Critical Perspective II


In two articles, both Lynch and Edensor stress the relationship between people and space is critical. Lynch proposes that a city is constructed in space, and people’s perception of the city is important. Edensor argues that the landscapes of television dramas is always associated with characters in order to accomplish the performance, to re-envisage the dramatic conventions. Additionally, they emphasize the process of modification. Lynch states that a city is a product of many builders, and it is ever changing in detail. Edensor considers tourism is a process that needs constant (re)construction of praxis and space.


Lynch also mentions that the environmental images are affected by a two-way process between the observer and the observed objects. From different perspectives of observers, there will be different images. Lynch found that there are five elements to conduct a mental map of a city: nodes, paths, districts, edges and landmarks. By contrast, Edensor underlines the aspect of performance while analyzing tourism. He considers tourism is a form of performance, which allows people to release their “authentic” sides and take on different roles. He suggests that we are tourists much of the time and we can be tourists in everyday travels. Moreover, patterns of tourist behavior are related to class, gender, ethnicity and sexuality.