Reading Response 9 – CCV

            Postmodernism is the era that followed during the 1960s and 1970s after modernism. It was the era in which technology was evolving, new musical genres were introduced and the Cold War had just ended. It was a time period to move on from. As new music was in the making, album covers became an interesting way to show art during this era. Postmodern art wasn’t as traditional as modern art. It was more free and open to come up with a design without the possibility of getting hate from the public like in today’s society. Now a days, every design has to be examined in depth in order to avoid their design to be targeted by a certain type of group or individual. Postmodernism can still be seen as a continuation of modernism because everything during this era is evolving. The same principles are being used, however, they are being exaggerated and are more creative with the designs. 

           There are some elements of postmodernism that still continue today. These elements still make an impact in today’s society. Elements like photography, body art, graffiti art, and even video art still make a positive impact in this era. As era’s change, everything starts to evolve and new ideas are shown in these types of artwork. In today’s era, everything can be considered art; like sculptures, paintings, buildings, even a toilet in a museum can be considered art. People are much more open minded than in previous era’s. There is so much diversity in this era that it is shown in artworks. With that being said, I believe we are still living in the postmodernism era due to the amount of artwork I have seen in the past years. Whether these artworks are shown in museums or on social media. There are new artworks every day. 

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    ” Postmodernism is the era that followed during the 1960s and 1970s after modernism. ” Followed what?

    “Whether these artworks are shown in museums or on social media.”

    Do you think that postmodern is defined by an amount of art? “we are still living in the postmodernism era due to the amount of artwork I have seen in the past years.”

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