Reading Response 8 – E M

When we see McLuhan talk about “the medium is the message” we get a sense of how important the form of the medium is when communicating a message. the medium is the message because it is the way we choose to communicate a message and this plays a big role because we can alternate the meaning of the message by simply using different fonts or instead of a letter we can send a video. this alternates the way we perceive the message. As designers, we need to try to put out the best medium possible so the viewers don’t have a hard time trying to understand the message you are trying to communicate.

Technology has allowed for many new mediums to be produced to communicate messages. sometimes it might even be worrisome because there is so an extent to which we can produce a medium that it can be possible to manipulate this and even use it as a political or propaganda weapon. This new type of design needs to be carefully crafted before is put out into the world.

Designers have the power and the technology to choose to create different mediums to communicate and change the world, but it is only in their hands if they choose how they would use it and if this would be a good or bad thing for society. we as designers play one of the most important roles in shaping our society because we have the knowledge and the power to create to such an extent and be able to gain from it in any way. such power combined with the new technology can sometimes be threatening and this is why we must try to always choose the right way to communicate a message so we don’t alter or cause any change or destruction in our society.



1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Yes, so much of the responsibility of the medium is in the hands of the designer. How do we know what will be good or bad for society?
    If you’re not sure about your final research you could explore this direction more.

    The editor shows that you need to have a capital letter after a period.

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