Reading Response 7- SL

Culture jamming is when an artist takes the symbol or logo for a company and uses it to counter what the company really is. It is sort of like an attack which makes viewers raise doubt towards the specific company. For example, the Mcdonalds logo is known for the slogan “I’m Lovin it” and when an individual spots the big yellow “M” they correlate the two. What culture jamming artists did to the Mcdonalds logo is turn the “M” upside down so that it is a “w” and put the slogan “I’m gaining it”, they went even further and put “Weight” to replace the name of the company. When viewing this “new ad” one would reconsider buying it because of the message it portrays. 

In the 1950’s and 60’s there was a concept of underground vs mainstream which devalued many artistic things. The underground is defined to be a safe place for artists to create and not have it be used universally. Mainstream includes the big companies and the art that they use. The underground was basically the place where artists could be recognized for what they created because the mainstream or big corporations have not drowned them out. When the mainstream corporations use the underground art, it becomes devalued because it gets used so much and the original creator gets tuned out. In the end, the underground artist gets forgotten, but the corporation wouldn’t because they are now associated with the art.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    due 4/4

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