Reading Response 6 -SL

In commercial design, there is not much diversity regarding the recognition of designers. Most of the designers students learn about are white European men. In the reading by Madeleine Morley, she poses the question “What would happen if we made graphic design history more equitable, including designers from more than just European and -rarely- Asian decent?” If graphic design history was more fair, there would be so much more inspiration and knowledge to be gained. It would also shine a light on new perspectives that could have brought endless possibilities. By having designs that are produced from creators who have experienced many similar things, it is kind of unamusing since it lacks diversity. There are many other different designers who have gone through their own mess, which can be relatable or inspiring to a certain group that’s not recognized as much. Some examples would be African American, women and LGBTQ members. By acknowledging different people, there’s a higher risk of getting others to be involved, which is what one would want in the design field. In the reading by Silas Munro, he states “… created typefaces like Carrie, a Sans serif that honors women’s suffrage movement in Argentina, and Stonewall to recognize the LGBTQ 1969 riots…” In design there’s much more that meet the eye than just art, its history. He is honoring the struggles that these people have gone through to get to where they want to be. In the next twenty years, I think there will be more distinct recognition of people and movements. There will be more historical connections with design, which would help spread awareness.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Good observations. What might we do to improve on the recognition of more diverse people and movements?

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