Most designs have different meanings for pictures, like magazine posters. Every artist has a unique vision. Does it mean they broke the rules? Many orders make a difference. It could be possible to create new designs that are so difficult to create. Some rules have elements that could bring balance. Even the grid guide on how to create a design would make a simple structure.
Every artist has a meaning of typography and mostly designs, therefore could not break the rules. Every artist who creates their rules for themselves to make a simple design and even topography can make the reader clear the creative process is to be reduced to an act of selection. designing means picking out determining elements and combining them. Seeing in these terms, designing calls for a method. Gerstner can make it possible to create a design and show us what the design looks like.
Jan Tschichold in 1923 he was 21 years old he was a German topographer the Bauhaus exhibit Tatian and we are more measured and influenced design by the Stijl showing examples creating new topography what change him for a decade he put classical training of typography and wrote a book in 1928 the new Apollo Griffey which is a made an idea “The New Typography” an experiment to create impossible making newspapers in different fonts one design was not clear there were many kinds of types and sizes which makes the reader difficult to read the design was made from Munaher. Tschichold created a simple design topography that was built a few sizes and had five different fonts which were clear to read. Josef Muller Brockmann, who create an order graphic design into a grid of Swiss topography and create designs of elements irrotational and chaotic, brought them under tight measurements control. Spending time in his life in Zurich creating objectives timeless and method communication. The key was the grid miller broke man once said “working within the grid system means submitting to laws of universal validity.” Spring the principles of Swiss typography in graphic design in 1958 who was the founder and the graphic design magazine got promoted and Swiss magazine in musica Viva poster of buildup on the grid in four fields and two words musica Viva.
Karl Gerstner creator of rational symmetric graphic design as a pioneer of Swiss topography or chemistry he has trained to create designs of the art of science and create designs of the computer making simple structure designs more ideas to create fonts typography creating space even upside down even following the steps of the elements could create impossible basic components different typeface every design is a beauty not breaking the elements guide, the grid.
Those are the artist who had not created their own rules for themselves. They create how a graphic design should be created, a guide which is elements and grid could create a simple design and typography could make the reader understand of meaning in design.
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Good statements and examples of designers making rules that affect design systems.
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