Our reading assignment includes three short manifestos written by avant-garde artists in the early decades of the 20th century. They are as follows:

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism (1909):

Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Aleksei Gan, Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group (c. 1922): 

El Lissitzky, Our Book (1926):

Here are the questions to which you should respond in your reading response:

    • What sort of possibilities did these authors envision for their immediate futures?
    • What role did they imagine technology would play in shaping those futures?
    • In what ways did these artists anticipate the art and design that would follow?
    • What common views do these authors share? Where might they disagree?
    • Which elements of these texts are relevant for the present?
    • Which elements are problematic?

1. Open the readings

2. Enable our Hypothesis group 

3. Consider these questions.

Here are the questions to which you should respond in your reading response:

  • What sort of possibilities did these authors envision for their immediate futures?
  • What role did they imagine technology would play in shaping those futures?
  • In what ways did these artists anticipate the art and design that would follow?
  • What common views do these authors share? Where might they disagree?
  • Which elements of these texts are relevant for the present?
  • Which elements are problematic?

4. Read & Annotate.

5. Draft your Reading Response.

6. Spell and grammar check

7. Post your Reading Response.

When ready, create a new post titled “Reading Response 4 – YourInitials.”

  • TITLE: Reading Response 4 – Your Initials
  • CATEGORY: Reading Responses
  • TAG: Reading Response #4
  • TAG: Your Name