Reading Response 1- MA

Design is important, it’s all around us. Every time a designer creates something, they are trying to communicate something to the world. A good design has a purpose, communicates a message, and is aesthetically pleasing at the same time.Technology has shaped design in many ways. Its accessibility allows for an amount of exposure never seen before. In seconds your work is available to be seen by people all over the world. Technology has also impacted design in the sense of adding new mediums that weren’t available before. Almost anyone can create art using technology and it allows for artists to easily be involved in every step of the design process. Design plays a major role in society, it is all around us and and affects our day to day life even when we don’t realize is. It’s also very important because it can be used to sway public opinion. Avant-Garde artists wanted to change the way art was perceived. They didn’t like the way art was subjective and authoritative. They chose to break the rules in place and create art with ideals of anonymity and objectivity, but with the excess of exposure and involvement technology provides designers, these ideals are harder to deliver. Designers are responsible for solving these problems because so much of our culture lies in their hands. From functionality to belief systems, design is crucial to society.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Mercedes, Did you edit this before publishing? Editing will make it easier to read.

    You have strung a group of ideas into one paragraph. Some are the start of some interesting points. Can you elaborate on your take?

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