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Tiffany HW #4 Death of a Loyalist Soldier

I think the photograph of the “Falling Soldier” was not staged. Robert Capa would go to extreme lengths to take a good photo. He would risk his life to capture a photograph that would speak to everyone. I think people … Continue reading

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HW#4 Robert Capa

The death of a falling solider was a controversial photograph because people believed it was stages and there are others that don’t believe it was stages. I found Richard’s argument convincing in a way but then again, I don’t believe … Continue reading

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HW # 4: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Solider

Robert Capa’s photo, Death of a Loyalist Solider is renown to be the greatest war photograph ever made. In the article by Richard Whelan he confirms that the photo was taken in the battle at Cerro Muriano, Robert Capa was present at … Continue reading

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HW#4 Death of a Loyalist Soldier

‘Death of a Loyalist Soldier’ by the Hungarian war photographer and photojournalist, Robert Capa is regarded by many as one of the greatest war photographs in history. However, not long after the photograph was published, a spark of controversy started the … Continue reading

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As I was reading the article I was actually changing my mind from, the picture is staged to the picture is not staged. At the end I came to the conclusion that the photo is not staged. I agree with … Continue reading

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HW. #4: Robert Capa’s “Death of a Loyalist Soldier”

The photograph named ‘Death of a Loyalist Soldier’ by Robert Capa was a great piece of art work from my point of view. This picture had been recognized as the greatest war photograph of all time, and I do completely … Continue reading

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HW #4 Death of a Loyalist Soldier

The photo of the Loyalist Soldier by Robert Capa has been a big point of controversy over the years. I personally cant really decide whether it is staged or not because both sides of the argument make sense to me. … Continue reading

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HW#4: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier | Freddie Feria

I believe that the arguments against Capa’s photo of The Falling Soldier and their accusations were not convincing. They just had used the knowledge of Capa’s death to use as a way to poke holes in his photo and he … Continue reading

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HW#4 Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

In reading this highly detailed and convincing analysis by Richard Whelan I believe The Falling Soldier by Robert Capa is real. I personally don’t believe that all the things Whelan brings up in his analysis that is needed to pull such … Continue reading

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HW 4

I think this photo was staged. As I observed the two photos, the firs popular image with the other one holding a weapon on his shoulders leaning gave a difference. The position falls in the same timing comparing two images. … Continue reading

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