Author Archives: CGRocks

Tiffany HW #4 Death of a Loyalist Soldier

I think the photograph of the “Falling Soldier” was not staged. Robert Capa would go to extreme lengths to take a good photo. He would risk his life to capture a photograph that would speak to everyone. I think people … Continue reading

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Tiffany: Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits (HW #3)

In my opinion Walker Evan’s secret approach to photography is a great idea because even though he was wearing a disguise to hide the device he squeezes to capture the picture the commuters didn’t suspect he’s directly taking pictures of … Continue reading

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Tiffany L HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

After reading the two articles, what I found very interesting was how coffee and bread was a very common thing soldiers would eat. Especially coffee, the fact that soldiers love their coffee and have to have it in order to … Continue reading

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TL: Photography, Social Media and Art

With technology getting more and more advance, people are starting to use it at their own advantage. Whether it’s taking pictures, going on different social media pages, or just to have the latest technology to look cooler. I believe that … Continue reading

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