HW #2 Food during the civil war

What I found most fascinating about the civil war soldiers was that the soldiers would be given raw pork to eat, they would be giving limited portions of food and would always get the same thing. Also, that coffee was the main thing that they couldn’t live without, because of coffee they had more power, energy to fight in the war. Coffee was so important to them that if they ran out of coffee it would impact them more than a person dying. They made coffee with just about anything, mud and water that their horses would not consume. A food I cannot live without is French fries.

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One Response to HW #2 Food during the civil war

  1. CGRocks says:

    I can’t live without fries either! I have to order fries whenever I’m at any fast food place because fries taste so good. Although it’s not healthy but without fries with my order it just doesn’t feel the same.

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